Enabling IP-to-Tel Call Disconnection upon Detection of Answering Machine

The device can disconnect an IP-to-Tel (ISDN) call upon detection of an answering machine on the Tel side. Once detected, the device disconnects the call after the receipt of an ISDN Connect from the Tel side and then sends a SIP BYE message to the IP side to disconnect the call. You can enable this feature for all calls (globally) using the [AMDmode] parameter (see procedure below) or for specific calls using IP Profiles where the IP Profile parameter 'AMD Mode' is configured to Disconnect on AMD (see Configuring IP Profiles).

This feature can also be used for SBC calls (e.g., when the device interfaces with VoiceAI Connect ).

To enable disconnection of IP-to-Tel call upon detection of answering machine:
1. Open the SIP Definitions General Settings page (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > SIP Definitions folder > SIP Definitions General Settings).
2. From the 'AMD Mode' drop-down list, select Disconnect on AMD:

3. Click Apply.